Weight Management Tips

Read these 18 Weight Management Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Healthy tips and hundreds of other topics.

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Can chewing gum exercise burn calories?

Chewing Gum to Burn Calories

Mayo Clinic researchers found out that chewing gum does burn calories! Chewing sugarless gum for 12 minutes at 100 chews per minute was found to burn an extra 11 calories in an hour. There are surely more effective exercises which don't tire your jaw and irritate the people around you as much as chomping on gum, but it's an interesting idea!

Should I shop when hungry?

Grocery shopping for weight control

Never grocery shop when you're hungry. Today's marketplace is laced with smells, visuals, and convenience pitches, all luring you to buy or eat - right now.

Is self image important to weight control?

Take your time!

Love yourself as you are. Be patient with yourself.

Remember: it will take time to lose weight, just as it took time to gain it.

You need to create new healthy habits in order to lose weight. Take it day by day.

Is food a good reward?

Weight control tip

Never use food as a reward. Find other ways to reinforce your victories.

How is drinking water important to weight loss and other health?

Water Key

Water is key to any weight loss program. Drinking water before and after meals helps supress hunger by creating a feeling of fullness.

Drinking water while exercising also keeps you motivated, since dehydration can leave you tired and unable to finish your workout.

Water also purifies the body, flushing out toxins. It also keeps the kidneys clear of particles that may clog up the urinary tract. Water can even keep you healthy by helping your body to absorb the vitamins in your food and supplements. So drink up!

Can scheduling meals help maintain weight?

Meal Schedule for Weight Control

Maintain control of your weight by observing a regular schedule for meals. Knowing that "food time" is only an hour - or several minutes - away can give you the strength to resist.

It helps to schedule more than THREE meals; four, five,or even six small meals will be easier to get from one to the next.

Are there good tools for weight management?

Weight Management Tools

Tools for weight management can include exercise equipment, food supplements, books, videos, and more. All can be useful, but work best if you apply them to make general and maybe sweeping changes in your lifestyle. If you have good diet habits - you will have a better chance for continued success at weight management.

Can health conditions affect my weight?

Weight Management and Health Conditions

Various health conditions such as eating disorders, depression, pregnancy, menopause, thyroid conditions, and heart conditions and more can affect your weight. Treatment for health conditions should have priority over drastic weight loss or gain programs. See your physician before beginning any weight management program if you know about or suspect a health condition which can be affecting your weight.

How to lose or gain weight

To Lose or To Gain Weight?

Losing weight is about burning more calories than you are taking in. A program which offers nutrition without excess fat, meal planning, exercise, and eating responsible will help you lose weight wisely.

Gaining weight requires nutrition which can be utilized by the body to develop new muscle and fat! Preferably muscle. Good nutrition when added to exercise will help develop the body muscles you need instead of flab.

Malabsorbion of good nutrition can be due to smoking, medictions, drugs, stress, alcohol, eating disorders or other health problems.

Does body image matter in weight management?

Accept yourself

Self-acceptance is absolutely necessary to change body image, especially if you view yourself as overweight.

Look at yourself in the mirror. Picture your body as a piece of art; something that is valued, that can be admired instead of criticized. Only by accepting extra pounds as part of your WHOLE body can you begin to let those pounds go!

What is the South Beach Diet?

South Beach Diet

What is the South Beach diet all about?

In the first phase of the South Beach diet, which lasts two weeks, you eat normal-sized helpings of lean meats, such as chicken, turkey, fish, and shellfish. Vegetables are also allowed, as are nuts, cheese, and eggs. A salad with real olive oil dressing is fine. Coffee and tea are OK, and lots and lots of water is required.

The Atkins diet differs in that carbohydrates are severely restricted during the initial phase. The South Beach diet instead groups "good" and "bad" carbohydrates based on their glycemic index, a measure of how foods affect your blood sugar.

"The goal is to eat three balanced meals a day, and to eat enough so that you don't feel hungry all the time," Agatston says.

Can clinics help with weight management

Weight Management and Clinics

Clinics which help with weight management can be specific for weight loss or gain. They are aimed at managing conditions or habits which affect your weight, such as smoking cessation, sports training, healthy habits, etc.

Clinics can provide valuable support while you are beginning a weight management program.

Focus on changing your basic habits and lifestyle to be able to stand on your own, because clinics often lose their appeal. Clinic hopping as each becomes boring will give you more social results than weight management results.

Is Food a healthy reward?

Food is not a healthy reward

Never use food as a reward. Find other ways to reinforce your victories!

Do this for yourself and as a training tool with your children. Food is such a bargain in our country, compared to other countries and it's easy to use it as a reward or comfort item. If you choose to use it occasionally, choose healthy things. Example: When you are taking food to a family where there has been a death or sickness; choose fresh fruits and cheeses instead of your richest, artistic pie. Someone else will do the pie.

What is food addiction and carbohydrate addiction?

Overweight people are different

More and more scientific research suggests that many overweight people suffer from what is called a "food addiction", caused not by some sort of character flaw or psychological problem, but by an imbalance in body chemistry.

As the title of this source indicates, there is some evidence that many people CRAVE carbohydrates to their downfall.

How does protein influence weight management?

Protein in Weight Management

If you like to add up the number of protein grams you eat in a day, here are some figures that can help you keep track.

The American Dietetic Association considers the following items "very lean meats" or equivalent substitutes. Each item listed contains seven grams of protein, zero to one gram of fat, and 35 calories.

*One ounce of chicken or turkey, white meat without skin
*One ounce of tuna (fresh or canned in water); most kinds of white fish or shellfish. (A notable exception: Oysters are higher in fat and calories.)
*One-quarter cup no-fat or low-fat cottage cheese
*Two egg whites

This is only a partial list. You can find a complete listing in the "Exchange Lists for Meal Planning" booklet, which you can order online at


Do calories count?

Try the Minis

The small bagels you find in grocery store freezer aisles weigh in at TWO ounces and provide about 140 calories each. The larger jumbo bagels served at most bagel shops and coffee stands are more likely to weigh closer to FOUR or FIVE ounces, raising their calorie load to 300 to 350.

Can habits affect my weight?

Weight Management and Lifestyle Habits

Weight management can be affected by smoking, alcohol use, drug use, and stress. Before you begin a serious weight management program to either lose or gain weight, assessment of your life, noting things which may be affecting your weight and can be changed.

Is there a better time of the day to eat less to lose weight?

Time to eat!

Some people have found watching the time they eat food a successful way to manage weight. If you would like to start shedding some pounds, avoid eating at night. This will allow the body to work off some calories before going to bed. Cut back on snacks, eat a smaller size main meal, and have a big salad to help fill you up.

An old sayin says: Everything you eat after four o'clock goes to fat.

Even though the evening meal is most often the 'family meal' when u spend time with the family around the dinner table.

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