Stress Management Tips

Read these 13 Stress Management Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Healthy tips and hundreds of other topics.

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What are signs of stress?

Physical Symptoms of Stress

Physical Symptoms and Stress: Consult a professional if you almost always feel tense, anxious and nervous and have persistent versions of any of the physical symptoms which follow:

1. Nail Biting
2. Hair Twirling, Tugging or Pulling
3. High Blood Pressure
4. Upset Stomach, ulcer pain, diarrhea or constipation
5. Insomnia or restless sleep
6. Teeth clenching or grinding or waking in the morning with a sore jaw.
6. Fatigue

If you don't know someone to consult, start with your family doctor. An internist, naturopathic doctor, practitioner in Traditional Chinese Medicine, psychiatrist, psychologist, mental health worker, relaxation therapist, practitioners of Reflexology, Acupressure, or Acupuncture can be of help.

What oils will help my anxiety and stress?

Lavender to the rescue!

You can use herbal essential oils to manage stress during your daily commute. To melt stress away on your drive home, nothing beats Lavender scent. Put a drop of two of Lavender essential oil on a tissue or napkin and leave it in the sun on the dashboard of your vehicle. The heat will diffuse the Lavender fragrance and help you unwind on the way home.

Two drops of Lavender essential mixed with Ten drops of olive or soy oil make a Stress relieving massage oil. If you're going to do your own massaging, work on your feet, beginning with the toes, then work up your legs. Massage your hands, beginning with the finger tips. This may not match a professional massage, but gently working the oil into the surface of your skin will get the relief to you in these ways:

1. Through the Lavender scent
2. Through the stimulation of gently rubbing your skin. This will stimulate circulation and lymphatic action. It will allow negative stress to flow out of your body and mind.
3. The oils have an opportunity to be absorbed and be available to your system which is considered a valuable application of the oils by many practitioners of aromatherapy

Essential oils are recommended for external use only.

Treat yourself to some Lavender scented incense. I made a quick incense burner from a dab of modeling clay and a wide base glass candleholder from the discount store. I have also put sand into a small clay pot or a coffee mug and had a safe quick incense burner. If you use a clay pot with a hole in the bottom for plant drainage, put a little bit of tape over the hole to keep the sand from running out.

How can I manage stress?

Stress -- Avoid Commitment Overload

Our bodies and minds can handle some stress. But stress becomes magnified if you don't get it out in the open and talk about it. Know yourself, realize your limitations, and keep commitments within the limits you can positively handle, without overload.

How can I incorporate reflexology into my everyday schedule?

Practical Reflexogy

We've talked a lot this year about managing all stress and about the damage negative stress can do to your health. You can use simple Reflexology techniques for more energy or stress relief

You can gently tap a point on your chest, just above the breast line, using your fingertips, and smile at the same time. How does this work?
1. Tapping the chest spot gently with your fingertips, bends your wrist, which will pump lymph fluids.
2. Smiling stimulates the thymus glands
3. The lymph and thymus glands help your body turn blood proteins in sugars for instant energy.

Or, you can Wring your Hands! Imagine that, wringing your hands will help relieve stress!
The action of wringing your hands permits pressing and stimulating nature's relaxation points. As the hands roll around one another, important stimulation points for the solar plexus and other reflexes are pressed, leading to relaxation for the whole body.

I like being able to apply these techniques and contribute to my own relief, while not taking any internal medication or treatment which may be in conflict with prescription treatments. Reflexology can be applied by a practitioner, but there are many techniques similar to these which I can do for my own relief Experts say reflexology works best when used for prevention than for overcoming health problems.

What is a quick mediation technigue to relieve stress?

5 minute stress reliever

Use imagery to imagine you are a feather floating in the air. You become more and more relaxed as you drift downward toward the ground. You finally glide to the ground, gently and softly touching down. As you are lying there, in the image, all stress has left your body and you feel totally and completely relaxed. During a hectic holiday season, use this technique for two to five minutes at least three times a day.

Sound Therapy can include relaxing music, sounds of nature, especially the sea, Gregorian chants. As you listen to relaxing music, concentrate on the silent spaces between the notes and apply Imagery to allow the music to WASH over you, rinsing stress away. A walk in the woods or along the seashore will give your brain and muscles relief from stress through the increased oxygen intake. While listening to the natural sounds around you can further relax and relieve your stress.

Among my favorite relaxation CD's is a recording of the ocean and Mozart in combination.

What is deep relaxation?

Deep Relaxation for stress relief

Try this deep relaxation guide for stress relief. CAUTION: If you feel lightheaded after this or any other acupressure session, use caution and do not drive until you feel stable and fully alert.

CLOSE your eyes and feel your body relax. Wiggle your toes, letting them relax. Rotate your feet so your ankles relax. Gently move your legs, feeling your calves, knees, and thighs relax. Now tighten your buttocks muscles, let them relax. Feel your abdominal organs and pelvic area relax. Take several long, slow, deep breaths into your abdominal area, letting your belly relax. Whatever you are hanging on to inside your mind let it go.

Let your whole back relax. Relax your arms. Fell each finger relax. Tell your shoulder and neck to eralx. Let go of any tension in your forehead and eyebrows. Let your temples and ears relax. Lips, teeth and tongue relax. Gently move your jaw from side to side, letting it relax. Relax your nose and your throat and tell your eyes to relax completely. Finally, let your whole body relax. Allow your thoughts to flow, letting your mind and body completely relax. According to acupressure experts in Acupressure's Potent Points, your consciousness changes during deep relaxation. The removal of mental, muscular and physical resistance allows your mind and body to work together toward your well being.

Deep relaxation is often aided with special relaxation music.

What is unavoidable stress?

Managing Stress

Managing Unavoidable Stress: Stress is a fact of life and without it we would be very bored. Health is affected by the body's response to stress demands -- emotional, physical, or life activities. We can overbook our activities beyond endurance, especially when something outside our control occurs to add to the stress assignments we've taken on. Then, taking some time to analyze what's going on around you can lead to STRESS MANAGEMENT.

Stress can be managed by more preventative planning instead of just letting life blindside you. There are herbs and chemical drugs to help manage stress, but to really CURE negative stress influences, you need to take a candid look at your lifestyle and health habits.

What is holistic stress relief and relaxation?

Stress relieving techniques

Stress Relieving Techniques:

*Deep breathing - to quiet your body's natural reactions to stress, breathe in deeply through your nose, feel your belly expand and exhale slowly through your mouth. Try 3-4 breaths.

*Meditation- to calm down, close your eyes and think of a peaceful word, phrase, mantra, or watch your breath. Pick something that comforts you, and say it repeatedly to yourself. Try this for 5-15 minutes.

*Visualization - to clear away the mental clutter when stress is piling up, do a little "daydreaming". Imagine a peaceful scene you'd like to be in and "go" there. Try this for 5-15 minutes.

Can power napping benefit me?

Power napping and stress

Try various methods of "power napping" to help manage the stress in your life and reduce the opportunities for stress to turn against you and your health.

* Lying down for a few minutes while refusing interruptions will give you a "power rest". Disconnect the phone and don't answer the door for about 15 minutes. Avoid going over your problems and projects during this time. You dont have to actually sleep just give yourself a break.

*Take a "restroom" break. Go into the restroom at your office, take a few deep breaths, close your eyes and consciously relax for two or three minutes. Sit down on the commode while you are doing this. It will give you just enough of a break to be able to go back to your work with a less stressed outlook.

Can stress cause fatigue?

Fatigue and Stress

In some medical practices, ongoing fatigue is the most common complaint. This epidemic of fatigue is connected frequently to our poor life management and overloaded schedules.

Cutting back on activities looks like the first easy answer. But this is not always possible or desirable.

More quality sleep or deep rest would help, but there are other idea we can apply to give our sleep gains against fatigue some backup.

Lifestyle management as in looking for ways to relieve or prevent stress ahead of the problem will work and still let us have the fullest life we could want. There are exercises for relaxation, circulation stimulation, mental management and breathing which aren't demanding of large blocks of more time but which will let us avoid fatigue and get the most of the sleep we get.

What vitamins are good to help relieve stress?

Vitamin therapy for stress

Take a daily multiple vitamin; beginning as soon as possible if you do not already use one.

Make sure your daily vitamin intake includes 200 to 400 milligrams of magnesium, 10 to 100 milligrams of B complex vitamins and 500 to 3,000 milligrams of Vitamin C. According to studies, the magnesium blocks the damaging effects of excess adrenaline. Researchers aren't exactly clear how the B-complex vitamins and vitamin C protect the body, but studies show that the physical damage caused by stress is minimized with these vitamins.

I know B-complex works, if not how. We use it faithfully at our house, taking care not to neglect our vitamin nutrition during the holiday season. It's a point to remember during any stressful time. I recall the success of putting my husband on some extra B complex about a month before moving from one community to another. He agrees that it's something we wouldn't be without.

What are my choices for relieving my anxiety?

Anxiety options

Persistent symptoms or feelings of anxiety is your body's call to visit your health practitioner. Anxiety may respond successfully to meditation, psychotherapy alone or in combination. Prescription drugs and some herbs have been of help too.

If you are already taking a prescription drug for anxiety, don't feel guilty. But you should not combine your prescription with a sedative herb without your doctor's knowledge and supervision. Herbs and sedative drugs are a complicated mix which can result in dangerous interactions.

Also, do not stop using your prescription medicine COLD TURKEY. This can cause dangerous consequences. If you are thinking about weaning yourself from the prescription drug with the help of herbs, consult a qualified practitioner before beginning the weaning program.

What can I do to relieve my anxiety?

relief from anxiety

Daily exercises, including stretching, breathing and aerobic exercises are important lifestyle habits to develop for relief of anxiety and stress.

Avoiding stimulants, high sodium and some refined food items has been found to relieve anxiety.

Learning and practicing deep breathing techniques can help relieve tensions in your body and mind.

Investigate therapies such as massage, acupressure, reflexology, Reiki, or aromatherapy.

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Candi Wingate