Read these 3 Office Health Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Healthy tips and hundreds of other topics.
Slant and tilt the keyboard away from you. This is referred to as reverse tilting. Lean comfortably on your chair´s backrest. Keep your wrist straight with arms falling downward and parallel to the floor. The shoulders must be relaxed. Adjust your chair if needed. Rest your hands lightly on the keyboards. Place an arm/wrist rest beside the keyboard for a more comfortable hand position. Use a mouse paw to help position your hand at the level of the mouse, relieving strain off your wrist. Rest your feet firmly on the floor. Adjust your chair or use a footrest; it can also help promote proper spine posture.
Avoid sneezing into your hands.
Instead learn to sneeze into the inside of your elbow instead of your hand. That way you won't share your sneezes with others when you pass paperwork along or shake hands.
Use a Lysol solution or antibacterial spray on a soft cloth to wipe down keyboards and telephones during flu season. (Straight rubbing alcohol works well, too.)
Anti-bacterial and/or anti-septic wipes can be a handy tool to accomplish this cleanliness and avoid mess. Keep some at the office.
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